VNC can be used to run sikuli scripts on headless machines. We'd like to launch a script on a vncserver without opening vncviewer.
First install some dependencies for sikuli and vnc.
$ sudo pacman -S tigervnc gcc opencv tesseract jdk7-openjdk
Download sikuli 1.0.1 and launch the installer
$ java -jar sikuli-setup.jar
Select the 4th option. Set the SIKULIX_HOME environmental variable to the path to sikuli-java.jar.
Install rvm and jruby:
$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
$ rvm install jruby
$ vncserver
Edit ~/.vnc/xstartup
to modify the graphical environment. You should install
a minimal stacking window manager like openbox, twm, or fluxbox.
Create a file sikuli-example.rb
with the following contents
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'rukuli'
browser = Watir::Browser.start ''
browser.text_field(:name => 'q').set ''
puts browser.title
screen =
screen.type 'yellow' 'google.png'
This will startup a firefox browser and sikuli will type 'yellow' into the search region.
We need to install watir and rukili.
$ rvm use jruby
$ gem install watir-webdriver
$ gem install rukuli
Now we can run our script in vnc. Change the display to match the display you
saw when you ran vncserver
$ DISPLAY=:1 jruby sikuli-example.rb
The script should take a picture of google's home page after sikuli types in
You can open google.png
in your favorite picture viewer.